window window, April 6 - 21 2019
Motherbox Gallery
Brooklyn, New York
Ten Paintings in Two Suitcases. Berkeley, California to Brooklyn, New York.
Motherbox, Window View. Window Surface Sound Installation. Contact Microphone, Needle, Wood, C-Clamp, Wiring, Irig, Ipad, Delay, Compression, Reverb, Phase, EQ, Fossilized Whale Inner Ear Bone.
Fossilized Inner Ear Bone of a Sperm Whale, Thirty Million Years Old
'Window Window" at Motherbox Gallery, April 2019. Brooklyn, New York. Recorded on the last day of the exhibition. Contact Microphone, Needle, Wood, Speaker, Delay, Phase, Reverb, Compression, EQ.
Sound Performance with Maggie Wong, April 20th 2019
Records Selected and Modified by Maggie Wong, Contact Microphone, Speaker, Irig, Ipad, Delay, Reverb, Phase, Compression, EQ.
Berkeley Studio Window Studies, 2018 - 2019